Hello, I just signed the petition, “Parliament: Make cannabis oil (THC & CBD) legal and available on the NHS.” I think this is important. Will you sign it too? Here’s the link: https://www.change.org/p/parliament-make-cannabis-oil-thc-cbd-legal-and-available-on-the-nhs?utm_medium=email&utm_source=petition_signer_receipt&utm_campaign=triggered&share_context=signature_receipt&recruiter=728310557 CLICK HERE 2 reasons, 1) Common sense from a medical standpoint. 2) To help undermine organised crime, Thanks, Ross PS Relevant Link to Spoof Meme Bellow, CLICK HERE FOR RELEVANT SPOOF MEME! Illegal Cannabis WILL cause YOU Mental Health problems and Harm YOU! HOWEVER! I STILL Think Cannabis SHOULD be Legalised! CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT WHY!