. . PS UPDATE! 24 hours later! ! . I Love PC Gaming! . I REALLY Love and I am passionate about PC Gaming! . It is a major important part of my life. . HOWEVER . I feel a bit disheartened with the human race that a mini-rant about a mere computer game gets so much more emotional response compared to the far more important social justice issues I have posted about! . Errrr? . Priorities People! . PRIORITIES! . ! PPS UPDATE 2 48 hour later! ! In 48 h The original TWEET comment got 12 K views, 3K engagements and 66 profile looks. A crap load or overreactions! SILLY numbers for a mere GAME comment! I am going OT, to show an example of PRIORITIES, The sort of post that SHOULD be getting this sort of reaction! "Enjoy" ! . .