! . Say it isn’t so! . . G HERBO SAYS MARVEL AND THE AVENGER’S ARE FOR NERDS! . . Oh NO! . Oh, the Horror! . Oh, the Humanity! . . Some “Z” rated celebrity that I have never heard of hates Nerds! . I am both totally distraught and devastated! . I am simply wracked with inconsolable grief! . How can this be! . How can my life go on! . I am shaken to the very core of my soul! . This changes everything! . THERE CAN BE NO GOD! . Oh! If only I could somehow make this totally previously unknown stranger lover us somehow! . . But Wait! . What is this! . . Despite such tragedy, my Coffee, (For some unknown reason that defies both nature and logic,) Still, taste the same! . Not only that! . But for some weird unexplained reason, my music on Spotify sounds just as good as well! . AND even though it should! . There is no mention on tonight's news of the Moon falling out of orbit like it should be doing! . . But how could all this possibly be! . Surely the disproval of such ...