Is Tim Martin a vile human being?
Who uses unethical practices with both employees and suppliers?
Yes, he is!
Despite his fake “Common man” image, does he come across as feeling more grotesquely self-entitled than some minor brat royalty out there?
Yes, he does!
Did he show his true colour during this epidemic?
Did he reveal what he really is?
Yes, he did!
Other Questions
“IF” upon boycotting Wetherspoons the whole chain goes under,
Will Tim Martin become skint?
Not bankrupt, which can be filed for as a mere legal tactic,
But actually, Ever, Really, Brass tacked skint?
No, he won't.
He will probably just rig it so he can walk away with a bundle of unaccounted for taxpayers money from some sort of bullshit excuse of a government bailout scheme or another.
All the while crying “Victim”
Tim Martin will NEVER find himself walking up and down any highstreet with just 2£ in hand debating with himself for two hours whether or not he should treat himself to a coffee at a local cafe!
He can not even conceive existing in such a lifestyle.
He spits on those who are stuck living it, with a cheeky smirk on his very slapable face!
Another question.
Who really suffers if Wetherspoons goes under?
Because it certainly won't be Tim Martin!
It will be all his employees.
And NOT only them
Employees probably won't even get the last few paycheques that they will be justly owed.
Because in any bankruptcy, any owed employees wages are of the lowest of the low of priorities.
Small suppliers are the close second.
When big chains so bankrupt
It is only the ground level employees and the smallest suppliers that suffer.
And this might mean (Unlike for Tim Martin) real suffering!
Boycotting Wetherspoons will NEVER really hurt Tim Maritn.
It can ONLY hurt the sort of people, he has already clearly shown, he doesn't give two shits about.
One final question…
Should there be a war on Wetherspoons?
When the general is emotionally incapable of giving a single crap about any of his troops,
Should there be a war on Wetherspoons?
The devils advocate view
Is Tim Martin a vile human being?
Who uses unethical practices with both employees and suppliers?
Yes, he is!
Despite his fake “Common man” image, does he come across as feeling more grotesquely self-entitled than some minor brat royalty out there?
Yes, he does!
Did he show his true colour during this epidemic?
Did he reveal what he really is?
Yes, he did!
Other Questions
“IF” upon boycotting Wetherspoons the whole chain goes under,
Will Tim Martin become skint?
Not bankrupt, which can be filed for as a mere legal tactic,
But actually, Ever, Really, Brass tacked skint?
No, he won't.
He will probably just rig it so he can walk away with a bundle of unaccounted for taxpayers money from some sort of bullshit excuse of a government bailout scheme or another.
All the while crying “Victim”
Tim Martin will NEVER find himself walking up and down any highstreet with just 2£ in hand debating with himself for two hours whether or not he should treat himself to a coffee at a local cafe!
He can not even conceive existing in such a lifestyle.
He spits on those who are stuck living it, with a cheeky smirk on his very slapable face!
Another question.
Who really suffers if Wetherspoons goes under?
Because it certainly won't be Tim Martin!
It will be all his employees.
And NOT only them
Employees probably won't even get the last few paycheques that they will be justly owed.
Because in any bankruptcy, any owed employees wages are of the lowest of the low of priorities.
Small suppliers are the close second.
When big chains so bankrupt
It is only the ground level employees and the smallest suppliers that suffer.
And this might mean (Unlike for Tim Martin) real suffering!
Boycotting Wetherspoons will NEVER really hurt Tim Maritn.
It can ONLY hurt the sort of people, he has already clearly shown, he doesn't give two shits about.
One final question…
Should there be a war on Wetherspoons?
When the general is emotionally incapable of giving a single crap about any of his troops,
And will never know anything other than comparative luxury no matter what happens,
Whom is such a war really against?
. ?
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