Letting go of a weight and having a balloon lift you up almost effortlessly and endlessly?! - is just plain silly!
Letting go of a weight and having a balloon lift you up almost
effortlessly and endlessly?!
That Sounds like an interesting way to get yourself killed!
Is the balloon string tied to your hand? If not, then what
happens if your fingers get tired? How high will it take you? How will you
survive the freezing temperatures and thinning atmosphere? What about aircraft?
What about supplies like food and water?
I know the above is meant to be fugitive rather than
But then again so are my questions upon closer inspection.
- In short
- Your past keeps you grounded for a reason!
- It stops arrogance, selfishness, myopic thinking, and
- It keeps you humble and reminds you of your humanity and
that in turn expands your empathy for all other fellow humans.
While It is true that you should not let your past control
or define you,
To ignore how it informs who you are now?! - is just plain silly!
Those who ignore history are condemned to repeat it,
And this is also just as true of us as individuals to!
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