The Animus and the Yang.
By Ross E F Lombardi .
(a straight man)
I am a straight man who has a problem with all other straight men.
I am not a bigot as such,
Or maybe I am,
I am not totally sure…
…But there is definitely a bias against us all.
We are a needed poison but never the cure.
If someone calls me a “Good Man”
It feels like an oxymoron.
The male energy is a slaughtering weapon,
A bloody knife.
Or Gun,
The male energy is just yet another murdered wife.
If they call me “Good”
It feels like an impossible lie!
The male energy or Yang is only a hot white flame,
A bright shining darkness in me that makes me sad.
A burning destruction,
And nothing but bad.
Every straight man here has dreamt and is dreaming even as I speak.
Of harming another.
-….And I as stand here reporting this,
- Probably of harming me.
Every straight man here not only knows what I say is true.
But is eager to prove it.
Because that is what we are.
Harming others is what we do.
If they call me a “Man”
I shrug and think “Guilty as accused”.
The male energy or Animus is only ever a weapon,
An ever-existing violence that makes me Bitter.
Just Rage and Pain.
And nothing better.
As I look in the mirror, I also see in my eyes the shadow of every man that has ever been.
Every fist, punch kick, and rape in history is my legacy.
Almost every evil I have ever witnessed was done by a straight man, just like me.
My first memory is of my dad harming my mum.
Last memory, a nightmare,
- From this morning of other things since
- I have seen.
Every evil woman was only made that way,
Because some straight man did something nasty to her,
Destroying Whom She Should
- Have instead
- Have been.
So how can I be a straight man and justify my existence at all?!
- All I can do is be a Grass.
A Grass that grows and shows the grave of every victim.
- All can be is a scruffy Stool Pigeon
Packing at the breadcrumbs and seeds like a winged city rat signpost.
- I can justify my existence as a straight man - as a witness.
A witness for the prosecution,
That condemns us all!
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