How can I win?
Being single may be ok for you.
How can I win?
I have 3 options A ) and B ) and C )
- But really only 2 options A ) and B )
And both of those are inadequate and flawed.
I can not see an option D ) yet...
I can not see an option D ) yet...
A )
...I isolate myself then the crushing loneliness makes me more and more sleazy as my sex drive hormones poison and corrupt my own perceptions and brain.
B )
...I leave the flat and try and be part of the world.
My already slightly corrupted hormone-damaged personality and a last hopeful spark in me,
Has far more opportunity to make some poor lass accidentally uncomfortable.
- As I imagine shit that is not there.
While option...
C )
Ripping my own balls off is NOT an option!
(And apparently ripping my own balls off - although proactive, also counts as self-harm and is therefore frowned upon by society.)
How can I win?
I can't do both!
I can't NOT be in two situations at once, both NOT in the flat AND NOT part of the world!
I kinda have to do one of these two things.
Being a man alone, - at over 50.
Make's me innately and irrevocably deep-down core shit!
This can only get ever worse!
I feel doomed to become something disgusting and horrible,
To becoming the very kind of so-called "man" I both loath and hate!
Some kind of twisted misogynist predator shell incel.
I claw at the edge of the slippery sink and feel the pull of the plughole drain sucking my integrity and decency down and away. - As my own sexuality eats away at what little is left of my soul, drip, drip at a time.
And I have no idea how to save myself from this fate!
A )
...I isolate myself then the crushing loneliness makes me more and more sleazy as my sex drive hormones poison and corrupt my own perceptions and brain.
B )
...I leave the flat and try and be part of the world.
My already slightly corrupted hormone-damaged personality and a last hopeful spark in me,
Has far more opportunity to make some poor lass accidentally uncomfortable.
- As I imagine shit that is not there.
While option...
C )
Ripping my own balls off is NOT an option!
(And apparently ripping my own balls off - although proactive, also counts as self-harm and is therefore frowned upon by society.)
How can I win?
I can't do both!
I can't NOT be in two situations at once, both NOT in the flat AND NOT part of the world!
I kinda have to do one of these two things.
Being a man alone, - at over 50.
Make's me innately and irrevocably deep-down core shit!
This can only get ever worse!
I feel doomed to become something disgusting and horrible,
To becoming the very kind of so-called "man" I both loath and hate!
Some kind of twisted misogynist predator shell incel.
I claw at the edge of the slippery sink and feel the pull of the plughole drain sucking my integrity and decency down and away. - As my own sexuality eats away at what little is left of my soul, drip, drip at a time.
And I have no idea how to save myself from this fate!
...And NO!
Turning to that spiteful shit in the golden throne above IS NOT an option!
Being single may be ok for you.
Which is fine.
But we are not the same.
I am a totally different person.
I do not want to be single.
I do not like being single.
I know it is twisted math.
- If I am not part of a couple,
I am only half a person.
- That is who I am!
- Even if that is not who you are.
- And I don't need your approval to be 'me'.
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