! ! TOP TIP: - Then date a man (or woman or any human being in general) who is deep in the further end of the mental divergent spectrum... People on the more extreme end of the cognitive divergent spectrum struggle with both deception and deceiving others! - And they see their personal ethics (such as 'fidelity', "IF" that is one of their rules - ask them what their rules are first, In case they do not follow that one.) as absolutes! (Rather than ethics being mere options to give up on when it becomes less convenient!) ! PS. Of course, YOU MUST KNOW That the engineering cost of this is that they often have little or no money or success. Because they would not lie for a boss to a customer or a supplier. Their ethics (right or wrong) make them stand against perceived corruption, And THIS in turn often gets them sacked and also makes them effectively unemployable! - Constantly lying and deceiving with ease is a normal person's "special power". ! So, you can...