. Person 1: "Do you have any leftover bacon?" . Me: "What the hell is 'leftover' bacon?" . Person 1: "You know, Bacon that is 'leftover'- '" . Me: "What!?" . Person 1: "What? What part of That, Don't You understand?" . Me: "I understand the individual words, but you have put them in some weird ass nonsense order!" "Are you trying out some new weirdo surreal poetry?" "Is this some kind of joke I am not smart enough to understand?" "Is this a new street slang that I am too old and not cool about to know?" "Are you having a stroke?!" . Person 1: "Let us try This, a bit at a time..." "I will go slowly..." . Me: "Ok" . Person 1: "Do you? Ross Lombardi?" . Me "Ok, I am with you so far" . Person 1: "Have any bacon" . Me: "Got it, keep going" . Person 1: "That is..." . Me: "Ok so far......