. I C U and I C Me. By Ross e f Lombardi . . Yes, I AM ugly. There is no denying That! . But I see you. I see who you vote for. I see who you like. I see your celebrity culture. I see the music you get to number one. I see your fashions. I see your hit "reality" TV. I see your collective, priorities, cares, values and concerns. I see the political expediencies you accept. I see immoral yet convenient choices you make. I see the unethical self-licencing, the constant excuses and all the self-told lies. I see the suffering you ignore. The fellow human tears you wantingly drink. The children's screams you block out. The world you let die. I see the guilt you do not feel. I see the empathy you are incapable of. . I see you regarding kindness as a weakness, misuse of power as sexy, and ruthlessness as a strength. . I see how innately crap we all are = me included. And I judge the human species as moot. Your opinions are silly and invalid. . The difference between a random pe...