? Is ANYONE else Completely Terrified About the 30% rise in "No-fault Evictions" As a growing number of Landlords race against time against the new tenancy rights laws being passed? (Or is it just me being paranoid and worried for no good reason?) ? ? There is a huge rise in "no-fault evictions" as landlords race against the new tenant's rights bill next year... It's up 30% already. - And climbing. And I am sure plenty would love to see me run out of Redcar. - Just over my anti-racist stances alone! . ( NOTE: To Be Completely clear! - I am NOT, Repeat NOT! Implying that my landlords have any such views, AT ALL, NOT even a tiny bit! - I am only saying that is why I feel much of the town, in general, does not like me. That Is All! - AND even THEN I am not mentally well much of the time, so, even THAT is probably just irrational paranoia talking... ...And only just all in my head - rather than being at all real, At all... !!) . And just in general I have m...