. Non-secular monk? Should I consider the lifestyle of a non-secular gnostic monk? . I already eat mostly beans, brown rice and lentils - unless I'm cooking for others. I already don't eat much meat, so going full vegetarian might be fairly easy. I already spend a lot of time alone. I already barely touch alcohol. I already read a lot and do a lot of meditative calisthenic-style exercises. I already have a deep interest in helping both the community and the world. I already see anger and rage as bad things and care passionately about promoting world peace and universal acceptance. I already have a growing hatred of money and wealth and how it owns both me and how it corrupts this world, and all it touches. I already have a disdain for ego and boastful pride in both myself and others. And I already have a strong sense of right and wrong (compared to most adults who seem to have lost that same sense of righteousness that they had at under 18. - Life seems to have beaten it out of...