I can empathize with the powerful,
I can empathize with the powerful,
I can glimpse their pain.
I with nothing and those with the most power in the world have one thing in common.
We both hate obeying anyone else.
The price of never following, of never taking orders from others is loneliness.
I am lonely because I do not bend or bow or show deference.
And neither do they.
But unlike them, as a person with nothing I still have to obey police, shops, and some social crap.
I with nothing and those with the most power in the world have one thing in common.
We both hate obeying anyone else.
The price of never following, of never taking orders from others is loneliness.
I am lonely because I do not bend or bow or show deference.
And neither do they.
But unlike them, as a person with nothing I still have to obey police, shops, and some social crap.
...And this saves me!
The more you obey and bend the less lonely you are. = As to obey, to be flexible, is to be a real part of the world.
The more you obey and bend the less lonely you are. = As to obey, to be flexible, is to be a real part of the world.
Obedience equals honest popularity and real friendship.
Things, levels of belonging and true intimacy that no amount of money or power can buy or force!
We are group animals.
To obey,
To serve in some way,
Is to belong.
This is why those leaders who answer to no one, who have absolute control and authority, who have the most fans followers and worshipers.
Are the loneliest ones of all,
Far more lonely than I could ever be!
This is why those leaders who answer to no one, who have absolute control and authority, who have the most fans followers and worshipers.
Are the loneliest ones of all,
Far more lonely than I could ever be!
And if my loneliness is bad,
Then their isolation, not just despite all the sycophants, - But BECAUSE of all their Sycophants, - Must be a living hell!
And if my loneliness is bad,
Then their isolation, not just despite all the sycophants, - But BECAUSE of all their Sycophants, - Must be a living hell!
A living hell far beyond anything I could take!
So, I may be lonely but I will never feel the depth of terrible loneliness that they, the most powerful elite, must feel.
I would not swap places with those poor tortured people!
I would not swap places with those poor tortured people!
A crown that heavy can not possibly ever be worth the price!
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