A Note To "Me"
From "Me"
Dear "Me",
"Suck it up, Princess,"
"You are lonely."
"You will stay lonely."
"Nothing much you can do about it"
From "Me"
Dear "Me",
"Suck it up, Princess,"
"You are lonely."
"You will stay lonely."
"Nothing much you can do about it"
"If you are suffering at all,"
"Then it is Your fault for being needy and weak-willed!"
"Be Stronger! - Dumb Arse!"
"So, Stop being a wuss!""It is only pain! - You pussy!"
"Just brace yourself and grit Your teeth!"
"Toughen up you little shit!"
"Stop whining like a little bitch about it and just take it!"
"Stop whining like a little bitch about it and just take it!"
NOTE:Although I do say this to myself, (more than I should)
It is really also a self-criticism,
- Because it is this exact same type of toxic macho thinking that makes suicide the leading cause of death in men over 50.
- So, yes, while I do say this stuff to myself - I really shouldn't!
Really I need to lose the ghost of past male culture and look after my mental health better.
- This type of 'toughen up' self-abusing language causes, not only dangerous depression but also becomes a rich poisonous fertilizer for the incel-style rage and anger that gives evil men like 'Tate' their sick and twisted power base.
The point of this is to show the sheer brutality of negative inner dialogue when you are ill.
Some people tritely preach to those with depression with
"just pull yourself together".
Without comprehending the sheer viciousness of the illness we might regularly face.
(And this is the watered-down mild version!).
Knowing that they are not alone might help others struck with this.
That some DO understand the vile thing inside, that keeps trying to murder us!
- That is why I shared some of these nasty inner attacks.
And the sort of things it can scream at me for days.
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