I already eat mostly beans, brown rice and lentils - unless I'm cooking for others.
I already don't eat much meat, so going full vegetarian might be fairly easy.
I already spend a lot of time alone.
I already barely touch alcohol.
I already read a lot and do a lot of meditative calisthenic-style exercises.
I already have a deep interest in helping both the community and the world.
I already see anger and rage as bad things and care passionately about promoting world peace and universal acceptance.
I already have a growing hatred of money and wealth and how it owns both me and how it corrupts this world, and all it touches.
I already have a disdain for ego and boastful pride in both myself and others.
And I already have a strong sense of right and wrong (compared to most adults who seem to have lost that same sense of righteousness that they had at under 18. - Life seems to have beaten it out of them.)
I am already well beyond halfway towards a non-secular gnostic monk lifestyle anyway.
There are only a few more boxes to tick!
Not having sex is pretty much enforced upon me by circumstance anyway.
So embracing celibacy rather than having celibacy thrust upon me would be super simple.- I just have to choose to "just go with it", rather than oppose it.
The hard part would be quitting masturbation, as I have a decent sex drive for my age.
But I am very stubborn,
So, I could probably do it if I chose to.
Although I know god exists,
I choose the term "non-secular gnostic" because although the selfless monk life appeals - I draw the line at being a g0D Slave,
There is no way I'm going to look to the golden throne and ask anything or that shitty rat bastard or any of his glowy crapy angle bodge, chicken shit, crew!
Any comments? Advice? Or Thoughts?
Non-secular monk?
Should I consider the lifestyle of a non-secular gnostic monk?.
I already eat mostly beans, brown rice and lentils - unless I'm cooking for others.
I already don't eat much meat, so going full vegetarian might be fairly easy.
I already spend a lot of time alone.
I already barely touch alcohol.
I already read a lot and do a lot of meditative calisthenic-style exercises.
I already have a deep interest in helping both the community and the world.
I already see anger and rage as bad things and care passionately about promoting world peace and universal acceptance.
I already have a growing hatred of money and wealth and how it owns both me and how it corrupts this world, and all it touches.
I already have a disdain for ego and boastful pride in both myself and others.
And I already have a strong sense of right and wrong (compared to most adults who seem to have lost that same sense of righteousness that they had at under 18. - Life seems to have beaten it out of them.)
I am already well beyond halfway towards a non-secular gnostic monk lifestyle anyway.
There are only a few more boxes to tick!
Not having sex is pretty much enforced upon me by circumstance anyway.
So embracing celibacy rather than having celibacy thrust upon me would be super simple.- I just have to choose to "just go with it", rather than oppose it.
The hard part would be quitting masturbation, as I have a decent sex drive for my age.
But I am very stubborn,
So, I could probably do it if I chose to.
Although I know god exists,
(It is not really "faith",
it is more of a "familiarity invites contempt" situation,
god is like the postman or an annoying traffic warden 'fact of life' to me
- that's why I use a small 'g',
I have enough familiarity with god to feel nothing but contempt for god,)
!I choose the term "non-secular gnostic" because although the selfless monk life appeals - I draw the line at being a g0D Slave,
There is no way I'm going to look to the golden throne and ask anything or that shitty rat bastard or any of his glowy crapy angle bodge, chicken shit, crew!
Any comments? Advice? Or Thoughts?
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