. I meet a surprising amount of people who, for one reason or another, enjoy looking down on someone else - "Too posh" "Too Plebby" "Too Cool" "Not cool enough" "This reason" "That reason" "Some other reason" - The excuses are endless! - And All I can think is... … "...I wonder what that feels like?" "To feel better than someone else?" "It must feel nice!" I wish I could think and convince myself of some half-arsed, pulled-out-of-my-butt, Bullshit to make myself feel superior, better and more confident! I want to have a go! I just can't trick myself into believing that stuff! No matter how hard I try! I just hear the voice at the back of my head saying instead, "Don't be a bloody idiot!" "You know that you are shit!" . I WISH I could be an "elitist condescending pratt" - Just for a little while! - Just to see if it feels as good as it seems! .