. TRIGGER WARNING! TRIGGER! WARNING! TRIGGER WARNING! . THE SUICIDE MYTH! - NO ONE ACTUALLY DOES THIS! A poem, By Ross E F Lombardi . NO ONE "Commits Suicide" It is not something someone does It is something that happened to them! . They did not "Commit" an act of self-destruction, They were murdered by their illness! They are a victim. NOT a perpetrator. . When your brain is flooded, against your will, with toxic depressive chemicals. During that time you are not "You" Something being "Real" and something being "True" are not the same things. The terrible feelings ARE REAL - BUT they are NOT TRUE . You truly feel worthless and undeserving of life, and these feelings are REAL, - But they are Not true! You are unable to see the truth because the chemicals flooding your brain, against your will, never let you perceive the truth, - Only feel the pain! . A person does not "commit" an act of "suicide" . They are not to b...