There was a time, I thought, that I might, once have known… This poem is probably By Ross E F Lombardi.
. There was a time, I thought, that I might, once have known… This poem is probably By Ross E F Lombardi . Round and round again we go, Where it stops No one knows . I knew a public relations specialist who spin-doctored They bragged, - How good they were at spin But how can I believe them? When they spin to me, - About how good at spin-doctoring they are? . Round and round again we go, Where it stops No one knows . I knew an advertising executive who sold things They bragged about how good they were at selling ideas, But how can I have faith in them? When they are selling me an idea, - About how good they are at selling ideas? . Round and round again they post, Where this stuff sells No one knows . I knew a corrupt politician who manipulated. They boasted about how good they were at manipulating But how can I vote for them? When they manipulate me into believing - What excellent manipulators they are? . Round and round again we elect, Another mere crap opportunist, Not worthy of respe...