. History repeats.... by . Cheryl Lynn . doSnstoper190u50gla145g79518h9i938mi0aa01gm5ami9i8a608iaim8a · . History repeats.... Cheryl Lynn Writes . In 1923 Adolf Hitler incited an insurrection against the German government. He was tried, given a slap on the wrist, and became a convicted felon. Despite being treated charitably by the judge, Hitler claimed the trial was political persecution and successfully portrayed himself as a victim of the "corrupt" Social Democrats. Hitler positioned himself as the voice of the "common man," railing against the "elites," cultural "degeneracy," and the establishment, who he all labeled as "Marxists." He claimed the education system was indoctrinating children to hate Germany, and promised to return Germany to greatness. To solidify his base, Hitler masterfully scapegoated minorities for the nation's problems, exploiting societal divisions with an "us vs. them" narrative. Many German...