Why Do I Keep Making
Memes, Writing and Generally Giving a Crap About the World?
do I bother?
do I actually REALLY want?
I want people to simply stop being
totally delusional and take their imagined reasons for feeling superior to another
fellow Human Being and using it as an invented excuse to treat another a fellow human being like shit!
And figuratively
shove it up their arse!
If you are too mean, selfish and stingy to share your stuff with those in
Then be honest with yourself
enough to own it and say so!
If you are greedy and want to steal someone else stuff,
Then be honest with yourself
enough to own it and say so!
If you like hurting
people either physically or emotionally because you enjoy it and have a
sadistic streak,
Then be honest with yourself
enough to own it and say so!
If you are just a general
arse hole that struggles with basic concepts like empathy,
Then be honest with yourself
enough to own it and say so!
But do not justify it to yourself by saying to the world that you have a right and feel entitled
to treat another fellow human like crap because of their Gender, Sexuality, Race, Religion, Beliefs,
Politics, Social Class, Fashion sense, Their Favourite Music, Sports Team They
Support, Hobbies, or any other dumb arse
Because I ain't buying it!
Because no matter what
you believe or tell yourself, I can guarantee that if that category
of human being, you so passionately hate, magically
disappeared off the face of the earth,
you would just find a new excuse to find another label for another group of fellow humans and do the same crap to them!
(Most likely a group to consider as current allies!)
Because deep down despite all the lies you keep telling
yourself about “Them” and “Yourself”
is who you really are!
Be honest with yourself
enough to own it and say so!
And if you claim it is justified
because it is
‘The Law’ / ‘Legal’ / ‘The way it has always been,” / “It is
the rules,”
“It is my culture,” / “It
is my religion” / “It is our tradition,” / “It is not my place to question
“I do not want to be
left out”/ “I do not want to feel lonely” / “I am loyal to my faction”
“I am a coward,”
Or any other silly irrational
reason to turn your brain off rather than question and think,
Then you are just a used
tool by those mentioned in the list above!
Be honest with yourself
enough to own it and say so!
"They" can only kill you once and in a hundred years no one will care if I ever lived anyway.
I have one life and a keyboard and a "Hail Mary Pass" chance of maybe achieving some sort of very minor "Butterfly Effect" for the better in this world.
So the term "Careful" becomes a little subjective.
I tend to write "In character" rather than actually, being "Me".
Because if you say (for example) a shitty anti-environmental thing that makes 1 person so angry that they volunteer to clean a beach that Sunday morning, Then I have made the world a very slightly better place!
David Spade and Richard Harris play misogynist womanisers so well on-screen in sitcoms because they find that type of man so abhorrent in real life.
They wear the "Masks" to comment and report on a broken world!
If you preach to someone face they "turn off"
If you come at them from the side with disarming humour you might get a crowbar in that heart of theirs and make a very small change.
(EG Jonathan Swift, "a modest proposal")
Not only, do I always expect the crap!
I get pre-prepared for it every time.
I have a set of Cut N Paste responses ready to throw up, that I make after every individual creation.
Because most people are that obvious and predictable.
(Some of the time they are not even "people" from the relevant page I am posting on! For I have a merry band of fun cyberstalkers who don't like me!)
- (But the funniest thing is, that I have a false identity that I use to chat among them. So I always have an ickle advantage!)
"They" can only kill you once and in a hundred years no one will care if I ever lived anyway.
I have one life and a keyboard and a "Hail Mary Pass" chance of maybe achieving some sort of very minor "Butterfly Effect" for the better in this world.
So the term "Careful" becomes a little subjective.
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