This is first written on the 25th December 2018.
This is not a parody page.
This is not psychic powers, mysticism or god whispering in my ear.
This is merely my own ability to recognise patterns, cycles and extrapolate data.
From looking at human behaviour form the Fall of Rome, the rise of Nazi Germany from as early as the 1910s. And everything in between.
Although in my blog, there is so much content and so much intentional distraction on this site that this one small article has always been MEANT to be overlooked.
The Title is Shmoo, which I use as a made-up word for my children (assuming they survive what is coming,) as a breadcrumb in the highly unlikely offchance they can ever find and read this article one day.
It will not openly be promoted directly on Facebook, Twitter or any other page so it can get lost in the background of the white noise of the whole internet.
To My Family,
If you have been raped and tortured in front of me,
Maybe I had the strength to not pointlessly struggle with the guards and keep an impassive stare,
Maybe I screamed and struggled against their arms begging for them to stop.
In either case,
Understand this.
There was NEVER EVER going to be a Brexit deal made.
There was never intended for a Brexit Deal to be made.
A “NO DEAL”! brexit was always “Thier aim”,
The creation of the chaos that leads to the rise of the current corrupt regime in power now in charge did not “Just happen”.
Historians should note,
These were NOT specialised circumstances!
This has been a meticulously planned series of events that has been 50 years or more in the making.
I am did not bother mentioning this to anyone in my life time because no one would have believed me.
I would have just been another tin foil hat conspiracy theorist.
Id likes to think this article will be uncovered one day but this is pretty much what is known in modern sports call a “Hail Mary Pass,”.
The reality is that no one will ever read this.
Let us just map out the most likely cause up to present events.
All these things happened on purpose and were planned to happen by those that want power.
Education has been reduced and restricted more and more from about 1945 onwards.
At the same time, there has bee Properganda moves from the 1950s onwards to make those that study objects of fun and ridicule with the rising of terms like Geek, Swot, Nerd etc, etc.
There has been a deliberate campaign against private intellectualism, meant to keep us placid and down.
SO what could not be directly achieved in the school room could then be accomplished by disaffected youth thinking they were being rebels by them penalising those fellow students that valued knowledge,
I stress again that all this was on purpose.
Those that still “Free think” despite this gauntlet are seduced into supporting the very same system that tried to hold them back.
This has by these modern times escalated to very specific “Anti Science” rhetoric and the rise of movements such as the Anti-Vaxers and the Anti-GMO lobbies.
The “Good People” or the world managed to provide universal health care.
The establishment of worldwide NHS style free health care was not meant to happen,
It all happened so fast that the “Bad guys” did not see it coming and acted too late to prevent it.
So they had to adjust their plans to try and take it away from us again.
Though carefully planned mismanagement the free health care systems of the world will fall one by one as they are each assassinated.
The last thing the “Bad Guys” ever wanted was a population that has nothing to lose by walking out of a job.
They need private health care to be the only option so those with children will be too scared to stand up for themselves.
Because no job would mean no health care if their family get sick.
It adds to one of their tools of control.
The rise of the crime rate and increase and violence,
(Especially after the “NO Deal Brexit” for the UK) will again be on purpose.
In other countries, different methods will be used to achieve this.
A frightened population will look to the authorities for their protection.
The criminals fooled into thinking that they are some sort of ‘Working class heroes’ will be unwitting puppets in allowing another form of control.
The prototype project for this, before expanding the procedure to the rest of the world was the USA.
I think this first experiment with this may well have been the manipulation into Prohibition by the “Bad Guys” in the 1910s
Even if the 1920 prohibition era did happen organically (Which I find unlikely) the use of ‘Needle Style’ drug use form the late 1940s to early 1950s most certainly was not!
The Rise of Anti GMO and Anti Vaxer Lobbies not only allows the perpetuates the attack on Science but also allows a large reduction of world food production.
Again this was planned on purpose.
Again this is to exert control.
While it is true that staving people rebel, it is also true that to have Hungry people given just enough to keep them going, will keep their heads down and make them obey.
When needed and martial resources allow, food riots will be allowed to develop in order to allow a show of power and perpetuate the fear of both crime and your own government.
These first forays into this type of control by the “Bad Guys” started off with the gradual reduction of food nutritional content while at the same time giving the illusion of more choice.
Brains lacking in nutritional value (Especially at school age) cannot think, develop or study as clearly.
This adds to the above utility of the attack public education as explained above.
TV and all other Media
This will become ever more brilliant and addictive AND at the same time ever more dumbed down and trashy.
The Trashy
TO allow those brainwashed against thinking to be allowed not to think.
The Brilliant,
To occupy the pseudo-intellectuals, allowing them to feel superior. Even though in truth they are not really any smarter than those watching the trash tv.
If organised religion was ever morphine for the masses,
Then TV and modern media is its equivalent of Crack Cocaine!
All the “bad guys” want is to stop you thinking!
They are NOT aliens!
Sometimes they are fascist,
Sometimes they are communist.
Sometimes they are the even Ultra Liberal PC police!
They keep changing their names and flags but can be recognised by the following,
1) They do not want you to ever question or to think.
2) They want you to be constantly scared because scared people do not think or they make mistakes.
3) They want you to be constantly angry because angry people do not think and they make mistakes.
4) They will pit you against your neighbour and try and tell you who to hate.
Because while you are fighting each other you are not looking too closely at them!
5) They may own several governments at once all claiming got hate each other and making societies and countries go to war.
(But secretly the people behind the ‘public faces’ are all on the same side.)
War makes hate, fear and money and symbols that allow greater and increases control!
They will Not be the new C-hurchill or the new H-itler, they will the nameless money behind those public faces.
(The above misspelling and added hyphens are on purpose to stop this article being found on any search engine too easily)
The public faces are very likely not to ever know or be aware that they are only puppets,
T-ommy R-obinson is very unlikely to ever realise to what extent he had been manipulated from the start.
(The above misspelling and added hyphens are on purpose to stop this article being found on any search engine too easily)
They will be made to feel important and strong so they can be manipulated by the nameless all the more easily.
And they will die believing the lies of their own life stories that they were told.
The world will put such people in the history books as legendary heroes or villains when all they ever really were are mere puppets!
The Real Irony!
The “Bad Guys” as I have temporarily named them, are not magical, they are only normal flesh and blood human beings with half decent planning and organisational skills.
Their only function is to maintain control through carefully organised planning.
There is no final objective!
They seek to control and power only for its own sake because that is what they were told to value.
They were told to value these things and continue long-term plans by their parents the parents before that, and so on!
The ultimate irony is that they themselves are as much in a cage as the ones they build for the fellow humans they consider mere lesser things in this world.
But their own ego will not allow them to see the cage bars, let alone any possible existence of a door out!
They are to be defeated, stopped where ever or whenever possible but they are also to be given pitty.
Do not stop looking!
This is only the first super easy stage of crap more stuff hidden all over the net.
There are plenty of further clues above!
Hint, I have tried to preempt all the possible future Internet controls that may now exist in your time.
Happy hunting...
“There is nothing those who delude themselves, that they are ‘above us’, fear more,”
“Or fills them with greater terror!”
“Than a possibility that all of us at once,”
“Will decide not to fight and kill for them anymore!”
< Quote attributed to “Shmoo!”>
“Or fills them with greater terror!”
“Than a possibility that all of us at once,”
“Will decide not to fight and kill for them anymore!”
< Quote attributed to “Shmoo!”>
“When you know the strength of any chain is defined by its weakest link,”
“When you know the strength of any chain is defined by its weakest link,”
“It then becomes obvious the weakest link in any organisation, movement or social structure is a human one!”
“And it is almost always because of an ego!”
A quote attributed to being by ‘Shmoo!’
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