. Irony: A Definition: When I hate god. But I also, at the same time, Live my life much so closer, to those very same religious values and self-disciplines, Than any church going person I ever yet met... Maybe the godslaves should preach and prey far less and try a bit harder to live by example a bit more instead! . And I do it Without a endless golden lake of spiritual strength to tap into on a whim! I have to scrape my moral will from the bottom of my own limited mere mortal barrel! . Yet I'll get sent to hell, Because I won't bend a knee to a god who is a spoilt petulant brat. While his slaves get to waft into heaven because they lick his rusty balls and call it ice-cream! g0d? Fuck that dude! I choose to burn instead! . If you are doing good to see heaven. Then you are doing good for the wrong reason! You are just taking a bribe! . If you are doing good to avoid hell. Then you are doing it for the wrong reason You are just cowering to intimidation. . Going good should be a...