Can Anyone Please Offer Clarification on the Roman Catholic Churches definition of Suicide? As a Catholic, it is a very entrenched part of our religion that suicide is a “Mortal Sin”, To some the Ultimate Mortal Sin. Obviously slitting your wrist in a fit of depression is Suicide! But I have questions about various grey areas, and whether they count as Suicide (from my religion’s perspective,) Would any of the below Still count as the Mortal Sin of Suicide? One: Self-neglect: Would smoking, over drinking and not exercising to the point where you know this continued behaviour will kill you! Despite clear professional warnings. While self-destructive, is this Suicide? Two: Self Sacrifice: Is throwing yourself on a grenade (fugitively of literally) to save others, when you know there is no way of surviving the action count as suicide? Three : Accepting Circumstances: If you have a horrible sickness with only million to one shot of winning s...