Put better than I can.... From Michael Rosen His Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/michael.rosen.5496?hc_ref=ARRbjdi2NifpfIH9mM4-wcwNlEHqQs-YZjGYx-0Q5zzM7dWSeK_YqAvhTAH6AwUQ_as&fref=nf "People who've led lives growing up in suburbs, in comfortable homes, going to schools with glorious playing fields, playing in orchestras, playing in teams, find themselves in power in the parliament of the UK, equipped as it is with rockets and bombs, with a history of strutting across huge areas of the earth's surface, ruling over millions, still talking of 'spheres of influence' and 'our strategic interests', acting as if it is a right and a duty to decide what is or is no t a humanitarian crisis, what is or is not the humanitarian crisis that it has to 'respond to', what is or is not the legitimate target to fire rockets and bombs at...and journalists and politicians lower down the food chain, sit and debate the finer points of this as if, ye...