. Should there be a war on Wetherspoons? . The devils advocate view . . Questions . Is Tim Martin a vile human being? . Who uses unethical practices with both employees and suppliers? . Yes. . Yes, he is! . . Despite his fake “Common man” image, does he come across as feeling more grotesquely self-entitled than some minor brat royalty out there? . Yes, . Yes, he does! . . Did he show his true colour during this epidemic? . Did he reveal what he really is? . Yes. . Yes, he did! . . Other Questions . “IF” upon boycotting Wetherspoons the whole chain goes under, . Will Tim Martin become skint? . Not bankrupt, which can be filed for as a mere legal tactic, . But actually, Ever, Really, Brass tacked skint? . No. . No, he won't. . EVER! . . He will probably just rig it so he can walk away with a bundle of unaccounted for taxpayers money from some sort of bullshit excuse of a government bailout scheme or another. . . All the while crying “Victim” . . Tim Martin will NEVER f...