. Today I have a Personal Health Assessment by phone. To justify my DWP benefits and to some extent my own existence. I have NO faith, at all. of a fair assessment. I believe it will be another PIP farce with an automatic pre-decided “NO”. Because they know I will not have the mental strength to appeal! I am an easy number to discount so the dodgy outsourced company can get their bonuses! So, here for ALL to see, are the facts of my so-called “Condition” . . Work Capability Assessment PART 1 . . Activity 6: Making self-understood through speaking, writing, typing, or other means normally used, unaided by another person Descriptor: . (c) Has some difficulty conveying a simple message to strangers. 6 Points . NOTE: If in handwriting, Then my handwriting is totally illegible To the extent that I cannot function using any form of text that is not typed! . . Activity 10: Consciousness during waking moments (b) At least once a month, has an involuntary episode of lost or altered co...