! When some so-referred "better off" people say trite stuff like "Poor is not the person who has too little, but the person who craves more..." - Lucius Anneus Seneca Or some person less well off person spouts similar ideals, parrot-fashion, because rich people managed to convince them this was a thing via their massive information infrastructures. ! Well, this just smacks of "Be grateful for what you have" Or to put it another way "STAY DOWN AND KNOW YOUR PLACE - You Peasant!" . What? Are only people of a certain social order allowed to be ambitious? Shove it where the sun don't shine! . . (And by THAT I did Not mean that spot within where your brain should be!) . . . I WOULD SELL MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS AND SOUL for some professional success! Where is a cartoon eldrich man-shaped creature in a red jumpsuit, pitchfork and holding contract to sign in blood when you need them? . - I hunger for FAR more than some My Little Pony "the power of...