. Lord, what fools these Romantics be! By Ross E F Lombardi . A fool once said… “Tis better to have loved and lost,” - “Than never to have loved at all.” THIS is bullshit! The pain is NOT worth it! . A fool once said… “Tis better to have loved and lost,” - “Than never to have loved at all.” While - I wish I had never lost at all! While - I wish I had never found at all! . Really?? “Tis better to have loved and lost,”?? - “Than never to have loved at all”?? Well! - I wish I had never loved at all! . Those silly dime store guru twats that stupidly say, “The pain of loss” - “Does not outweigh the pleasure of love.” Never really loved, in the first place. And may they never learn, What real love feels like. Lucky bastards! . The memories are not bittersweet. They are just plain old, vomit gag reflex, gross bitter! And I do not want them! . Oi god! – You Wanker! “let this cup of suffering be taken away from me.” Screw your will a...