. Flashbacks, Nightmares, and Romance By Ross E F Lombardi . The dinner had been lovely. The music was soft. The kissing was eager. The passionate hunger in both of them rising over. Just as the glorious sun was setting over the northern grey ocean. As her hand clawed beneath his shirt in her heated fuelled desire. STOP! She suddenly froze and felt cold. She winced and felt ill. As shame that should not be hers to carry washed icy over her. . His head tilted slightly. “Flashbacks?” He asked quietly. She nodded and melted into his arms. He shifted and angled his hips in his seat, slightly from her. “Sorry,” She whispered. He said nothing but stoked her hair and pulled her in so very gently. And she knew she was safe. The sex may have been killed for tonight. But There were no demands from him here. Only love. . The bed had been lovely. The night was soft. The mattress was comfortable. The relaxed breathing of the...