FAT By Ross E F Lombardi . Some people are fat, Because they hate themselves. . Some people are thin, Because they hate themselves. . Some people take drink and drugs, Because they hate themselves. . Some people live a life of discipline and self-denial. Because they hate themselves. . Some people are cruel to others. Because they hate themselves. . Some people put up with too much of other people's shit, Because they hate themselves. . Some people chase some form of success, Because they hate themselves, And have something to prove. . Some people give up. Because they hate themselves. And feel there is nothing more they can do. . Far too many people make excuses, Pretend and deny that they do not hate themselves. When in fact they do. . Far too many people admit the fact. And do all the usual self-destructive crap, That far too many of us do. . But good or bad. Right or wrong. Self-aware or delude...