. RE: The REDCAR Bar Scene. . I think I am coming to realise that spending £30 a week in the normal Redcar bar scene is a waste of time, energy, and money. . There are some great people in Redcar that I am glad I have met, But it is not really "me" . . Usually, at best, I am given a patronising pat on the head and merely tolerated - not really liked. - And that's ok. I am not delusional. I know I am too odd, and too weird for most people. . But if I have limited resources, and IF I want to meet the right person and fall in love again, then the normal Redcar bar scene is just simply ' bad product placement' . . Looking for romance-wise, I am far better off spending the same, time energy and money going to more art events, or writing-type stoof. . I need to place the right product (me) on the right kind of shelf in the right kind of shop. . I need to be in places with people who are as weird and as odd as I am, Instead of trying to hang with the 'cool kids...