. I WAS ONCE ATTACKED! A poem By Ross E F Lombardi . I was attacked with a metal weapon, By a DJ. But I do not condemn all DJs. . I was hit around the head with a metal weapon, By a bald person. But I do not condemn all bald people. . My blood splattered across the floor, Of a pub. But I do not condemn all pubs. . My attacker wore shoes. But I do not think all people who wear shoes are violent. . My attacker was also black, But that will not turn me into a racist. . The crimes of one does not, - will not, - can never, - Define everyone else in some, pulled out of your arse, category. Just because your little, easily led, mind wants it to, - - Longs and aches for it too. . An asylum seeker killed children. BUT… The crime of one asylum seeker - will not, - can never, - Define the souls of all asylum seekers. Just because your little, easily led, mind wants it to, - - Longs and aches for it too. . The unforgivable evil crimes of one white-led British empire, Who ruthlessly crushed this ...